• Monday


    17h - 19h

    The Complete Independent Artist Roadmap: Navigating the Music Industry with a Holistic Approach with TL Mazumdar - UHU

    19h - 20h30

    Shamanic Voice Body Work with Floramor - DG

  • Tuesday


    14h - 15h

    Recording Magic with Sound Strider - UHU

    17h30 - 18h30

    The Eagle and the Condor: Psychedelic Alchemy + Transforming Addiction - talk and flute performance by Emily Esperanza - DG

    20h - 21h

    Rave as Ritual Open Discussion - UHU

  • Wednesday


    16h - 17h

    Mycelial Hypnosis Session with Danny Nemu - Take a hypnotic journey into the the temple between the temples, where magick meets imagination and the spirits of hidden places speak to us. We will be descending into the earth that stores the husks of the past and the seeds of the future, imagining our way into the mycelial networks that express themselves through the mysteries of the present.UHU

    17h - 18h

    Rhythm, Signal and Distributed Intelligence Networks Talk with Danny Nemu and Sound Strider -UHU

    18h - 21h

    MOOS Community Dinner - HALLE

    21h - 22h

    Ritual Cinema Screening and Q&A with Emily Esperanza and Vincent Moon - HALLE

  • Thursday


    16h - 17h

    What is Psychedelic Art with Jaïs Elaouf - DG

    17h - 1830h

    Kaleidoscope of You Breathwork Ceremony - Opening into your unique energy pattern by Indri Tulusan - UHU

    19h - 20h30

    Harmonic Chanting (Primal and Enhanced). with Oryelle Defenestrate Bascule - UHU

    A ritualistic workshop on the diverse use of the human voice as a magical tool. The power of language and of sound as pure vibration. The primal sounds of chanting and throat singing are explored in raw form then enhanced with tech, effected and looped. No vocal training necessary -the waves of harmonics in a group context allow participants to blend and harmonise naturally within their own developing capacity without focus on individual sounds.

  • Friday

    14h - 15h

    Dancefloor Sigils with Julian Vayne - HALLE

    15h - 16h

    Blotter Art Story Time with Jaïs Elaouf - HALLE

    16h - 17h

    Gnawa Workshop with Smaali - UHU

    18h00 - 18h30

    Opening Ritual with Julian Vayne, Nikki Wyrd ,Oryelle Defenestrate Bascule, Rita and Bunke Huni Kuin - HALLE

    18h30 - 20h30

    Rave as Ritual Panel Discussion with Giorgia Gaia, Graham St John, Julian Vayne and Nikki Wyrd - HALLE

    20h30 - 21h30

    Live AV Ritual with Vincent Moon - HALLE

    21h30 - 22h30

    DJ Oof Cinemix - HALLE

  • Saturday


    Open Air Day 1

    12h00 - 14h00

    Sound Strider

    14h00 - 15h30

    TR6 - Telos

    15h30 - 17h00


    17h00 - 18h30


    18h30 - 20h30


    20h30 - 22h00

    Giorgia Gaia

  • Sunday

    Open Air Day 2

    12h00 - 13h00

    Breathwork Ceremony Opening to the Universal Life Force with Indri Tulusan

    13h00 - 14h00


    14h00 -15h00

    Cristal Nat'Zion

    15h00- 16h30

    ARTibiotics Iana Go & Doron Eisenberg

    16h30 - 19h30


    19h30 - 21h30

    Sound Strider

    21h30 - 22h00

    Closing Ritual



    Afterparty on the Spree

    Time and Lineup TBD